What Are Common Causes for Truck Accidents in North Carolina?

What Are Common Causes for Truck Accidents in North Carolina?

Truck accidents are the top causes of traffic incident-related morbidity and mortality in the United States, particularly in North Carolina. In 2021, there were nearly 280,000 crashes involving trucks in the state, resulting in close to 2,000 deaths and 120,000 injuries. The total number of accidents involving heavy traffic vehicles has been on the rise in the past decade, with the United States Department of Transportation data demonstrating an increase of at least 1,000 incidents per year over the past five years.

These accidents can lead to severe damage to someone’s physical and mental health. It’s important to make sure you are taken care of if you’re involved in a truck accident. If you are involved in a truck accident that leads to serious damage, then it’s advised to reach out to a trusted North Carolina truck accident lawyer at Riddle & Brantley.

Driver Fatigue

Driver fatigue is one of the most common causes of collisions involving heavy vehicles. Since most trucking companies operate on tight schedules and narrow deadlines for transport and delivery, drivers try to find ways to optimize their performance. Which most often comes at the expense of their sleep.

Driving in a state of constant fatigue without taking breaks is a recipe for disaster and accounts for a vast majority of catastrophic crashes in the state. It is recommended that drivers take appropriate breaks with naps to avoid the possibility of sleeping behind the wheel.

Intoxicated Driving

Driving under the influence of alcohol or another intoxicating substance might result in crashes due to impaired reflexes. Alcohol and drugs adversely impact a driver’s ability to pay close attention to their surroundings and the cars around them. These substances can also affect their reaction time, either making them too slow or too fast.

When a driver cannot react timely to their surroundings, it greatly increases the likelihood of crashing into other vehicles or pedestrians on the road. It’s important to pay attention to how a truck is driving around you. If you think their driving is suspicious, then you should reach out to the authorities immediately.

Driver Error

Driver error is a broad term encompassing various harmful behaviors on the part of drivers that might result in crashes. Some examples of such behavior include speeding, tailgating, break-checking, reckless driving, and more. Most such errors are human-factor dependent and can be eliminated with appropriate caution and obeying traffic laws.

Truck drivers bear greater responsibility to ensure safe driving conduct since their vehicles can result in devastating physical and property damage should a collision occur. They must follow the rules of the road, ensuring that the cars around them can safely go by.

Environmental Hazards

Environmental hazards that result in collisions include unsafe and poorly maintained roads, missing safety signs, potholes, debris, and more. Additionally, weather-related hazards like rain, snow, wind, and construction zones can create dangerous driving conditions for all vehicles, particularly heavy ones.

These hazards can reduce the frictional force to keep the vehicle stable and might result in disasters due to loss of control over difficult terrains. Truck drivers are advised to watch the weather since they’re driving for longer periods. If they need to, then can take a break at a rest stop so they wait out the storm safely.


There are a wide variety of factors that can cause severe truck accidents on the road. Truck drivers can deal with fatigue and possibly fall asleep at the wheel. Sometimes there are factors out of their control such as the weather or hazards on the road.

These can result in fatal disasters that can ruin the lives of their victims and leave them with lasting physical, emotional, and financial losses. If you or your loved one got involved in such an incident, you should consult an experienced lawyer to explore your legal options regarding obtaining compensation for your damages.

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