United Allergy Labs Lawsuit

Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Is Suing After Adverse Event Results in Laboratory Testing

A United allergy laboratories lawsuit is similar to many other laboratory tests that have been used over the past several years. The lawsuit, which was filed in 2021, was brought about by the American Society of Clinical Pathologists and their member doctors. This group is mainly made up of allergy doctors and they are very protective of allergy testing and the Food and Drug Administration’s requirement that all allergy drugs are FDA cleared before being offered for sale.

United Allergy Labs Lawsuit

The problem that most allergy doctors have is a lack of understanding of exactly what the allergy testing involves. There is also quite a bit of resistance to doing these tests in the medical community. The FDA has been repeatedly threatened in recent years with having to pull the allergy drugs off the market due to safety concerns. These groups have made regular phone calls to the FDA and to the offices of the physicians responsible for the approval of various allergy drugs.

The lawsuits are based on two main points of concern.

The first point centers on the fact that these drugs should be approved by the FDA, and that the physicians who prescribe them are not qualified to do so. The second point relates to the cost of having these medications constantly pulled from store shelves. These lawsuits are forcing these physicians and pharmacists to spend additional time, and even money, to double check these prescriptions for their accuracy.

One thing to note here is that this lawsuit is not solely focused on the Food and Drug Administration.

Many physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals have also been targeted by these groups. They often go after specific individuals or specific pharmaceutical companies. This is especially common when it comes to asthma medications. If one doctor prescribes a particular medication for a certain type of allergy, but it fails to give any benefit to the patient, the pharmacist will then write it under a different name, thus creating another fraudulent prescription.

The best way for medical professionals to prevent being targeted by such groups is to always double check prescription information before handing it over to patients.

If a doctor or nurse knows in advance that a medication may have come back with a different result because of allergy testing, they should refuse to prescribe it. Pharmacist are also advised to cross check their patient information against their allergy database regularly to ensure they are not inadvertently supplying medicine to a patient with a negative reaction.

United States Attorneys General and the U.S Food and Drug Administration have both stated that they are willing to work towards a settlement between the pharmaceutical companies and the medical professionals that have been affected by these adverse events.

In the mean time, medical professionals can protect themselves by not prescribing certain medications to patients. However, if they are accidentally given those medications, they should report it immediately to the nearest office of the FDA. Allergy labs across the country have been contacted and have begun to test all products that come from drug manufacturing facilities for the presence of allergens.

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